Monday, 28 December 2015

'Shorty' our grey pet cat - hoping for food in the kitchen

Shorty is our pet cat - although it is difficult to say that cats are really pets - they just condescend to live with you! Eileen and Anthony Sargeant 'inherited' Shorty from their daughter who has long since grown up and left home - but leaving the cat behind. Lucky Parents! It was ever thus. Actually Shorty is not much trouble but goldfish would be even less trouble (my recommendation when your children ask for a pet buy them a goldfish!)

Monday, 24 August 2015

Landscape Photography

A photograph by Anthony J Sargeant from the Hotel bedroom window taken during our visit to Greenwich, London. Flamsteed House can be seen in the centre of this photograph with the dome of the Royal Observatory on the skyline at dawn.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Sheep going up the lane to fresh pasture past our Shropshire home

Fantastic site repeated throughout the year as the farmer moves his sheep from one pasture to another along the lane outside the Shropshire home of Eileen and Anthony Sargeant

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Anthony J Sargeant Collection of Antique Textiles - Large Medallion Susani

This wonderful 19th century embroidery was bought by Anthony J Sargeant at auction in Leominister, Shropshire in August 2015. A large medallion susani (bed cover) it was embroidered by young women early in the 19th century as a dowry piece. It is a sensational work of art. It is over 2 metres in length.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015